воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

aamir khan wedding picture

The wedding shower yesterday was awesome sauce

Me and Nikki went shopping to gather stuffs first. Then I made a cheeseball, goatcheese pigs in a blanket, cheddar cheese pigs in a blanket, swiss cheese pigs in a blanket, carved a teddy bear on the little watermelon and did half of the melon balls out of it (pete helped to do the rest), painted a mommy baby pumpkin, a crockpot of cocktail sauseges and cherry limeaid punch.

Nikki made some rocking sausege balls. I inhaled 3 before the party even started. Mmmmm

Kim made strawberry cupcakes with green iceing, sprinckles and tiny pink bears on top. (I took like 6 of these bad boys home.) Nom Nom Nom

Peteapos;s aunt liked the cheeseball so much I gave it to her. We only ate a quarter of it and since sheapos;s having a party today she can just sit the opened part on the bottom of a tray and itapos;s good to go. She wanted the recipe too, but hereapos;s the thing, most of my cooking is done by sight and how things react. My grandma Monroe and Mama taught me how to cook that way. I can not tell folks HOW to make my recipeapos;s. I could SHOW them, but in telling them I canapos;t convey some of the parts like this is too thick so add more milk or that doesnapos;t sound right so stir it some more.

Peteapos;s mom was very interested in the process of making a cheeseball. I guess she had never seen it done before. *squish*

The pumpkins were so cute Someone had already made the mama pumpkin a hat out of a upsidedown bucet, some ribbon and a pink bos on top. I painted a mama face and then the baby face on the tiny pumpkin. Then Peteapos;s mom gave me a pacifier for it and I carved out a hole for it. I tied a little bow on the top of it and it was done. Wish I had a picture

I wasnapos;t even done with the swiss pigs in a blanket before Tim and Pete raided the cheddar ones. So, when Nikki went to the store a second time, I asked her to get me another can of cresant rolls and made more. The goat cheese ones turned out super good Pete was a big help and so very funny yesterday. He took out trash, he fixed the patches on the comps in the front room. He made melon balls. He ate about 25 of the left over stuff from melon balls (quality control he called it.)

He and Tim (the tall people), hung decorations for us too. (Tall people come help)

After the shower I watched Kim and Tim play for a little bit and then we headed on home. Got geoceries on the way. Then fell asleep watching family guy.

de la tabla, aamir khan wedding picture, aamir khan's, aamir khans, aamir khans height.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

bloomingdale school of music illinois

Hey all, Iapos;ve been away from the HouseWilson fandom for like, what, about a year? And I need help in catching up on the good fics coz Iapos;m too lazy to go through the house_wilson archive for fics. ^_~

So hereapos;s my request. I would like your recs for fics posted in the past year or so. My preferences are long fics (completed or regularly updated with an ending in sight) but Iapos;ll take oneshots as well aaand House tops (if there is slash). Oh, and happy endings please. Everything else goes. So bring it on Hehe~ Doesnapos;t matter if its somewhat non-canon after the revelations in Season 5.


P.S. : No tags coz Iapos;ll have to put in almost the entire tag list.

drinking game king, bloomingdale school of music illinois, bloomingdale school of music new york, bloomingdale schools, bloomingdale senior high school.

decode tivo files

Last night i volunteered at Brittanys school for their fall festival. I got there, and as it turns out, every parent whose student attends that school showed up willing to volunteer soo i was basically un-needed help and got service hours for standing there. About 5 minutes before my shift was over Sean showed up and we went out to the playground where he attempted to be a fireman and slide down the giant pole, while i was swinging happily. Then mobs of children began to invade our territory, so when my dad rescued us and we surrendered our ground. We went and saw Quarantine, which was pretty good, and i ran into like 10 people i know. Sean made me a picture book, and it was definitely the best surprise ive ever received. I need to find a box, so i can make it like a "boyfriend box", except it will be more of a "Sean box". I have so many cute things hes given me, and i dont want to lose any of it. So when im like 50 and my kids are my age, i can pull that stuff out and be like "hey, look what you father made me when we were you age". And then they will leave thinking about how they wish they could have a relationship as perfect as mine. (:

anyways today im going to Sean and Tays swim meet when JP gets here to pick me up, and then tonight im going bowling with Logan. Soo i should have a greaat day.

center edmonton remand, decode tivo files, decode tivo, decode text, decode syntax sql.

boone county library harrison arkansas

i jus got home frm matins house..he helpd me du my comp and put games into my psp..hahakz..so im hapi abt tat..and glad lah..tat i got sum1 who noes computer and cn help me out..reali glad abt it..other ten its free service..hahakz..sori matin..hahakz..i will blanja u..reali..i promise..aniwae thanks 4 helpin me out though..

and e weddin under e nxt blk of matins house is super nice lah..their theme was black and white man..its reali nice..

okae i dun reali haf so much 2 blog abt..coz i nid 2 go settle certain stuff 4 my comp..so yeah..gtg..

aniwae sab..its reali up 2 u who u wanna be frends wit..its a matter of time wen u will find out abt her..go side her if u wan..coz i swear i didnt blame u or matin..up 2 u lah..

cloze procedure exercises, boone county library harrison arkansas, boone county library kentucky, boone county library ky, boone county library missouri.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cheap range finder

Sometimes it just doesnapos;t feel that this whole thing is right.
I dunno how to explain and put them into words to how I feel.
I... I wish I did not have to be in this whole thing now.
But I know, I cannot think this way I must not.

The feeling of jealous kills my whole inner being.
Jesus, is this how it is supposed to be?
Am I the one that always have to give in.
Itapos;s not his fault that so many girls are around him.
But I really canapos;t take it.
I know I cannot think this way, yet I canapos;t not not bother about it either.

If love have to put me through this, then...
Sigh, I will.

cheap range finder, cheap range finders, cheap range hood, cheap range hoods.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

david meek torquay

Work is killing me slowly and sometimes it is ... So painful.
Oh well.

Opening runner yesterday -
really glad that Ariffyn was there in the early afternoon
to help me when I was opening the halls
Hamzah was on time to tie up
the loose ends which I did not do.
:D :D :D
The hall rentals for Max Payne
turned out to be less worrying afterall.
Everything was okay until the gastric pains worked up.
Cabbed home with x and x -
they were teasing me about Hadi
throughout the whole journey, lol.
Dinner at Causeway Point with x ;
I love the Japanese desserts that we ordered.
:D :D :D :D :D

The day before I met x in town.
We went to SLICE for dessert and we roamed around town.
To kill time, we went Cine to watch What Happened In Vegas.
It was a nice light-hearted movie.
Then we had late dinner at HK Cafe
while waiting for x and x to finish work ;
I like the new ice cream toast with caramel.
:D :D :D

Was not supposed to work on Monday, the 13th.
But I ended up at L9 doing the opening shift
apos;cause one of the staff was sick.
Dinner with x at Takaapos;s Crystal Jade ;
the shrimp wanton noodle was really good.
Plus the prawns and the coconut dessert too.
:D :D :D

Sunday 12th was G2 until late ;
I caught the last bus home, thank goodness.
Saturday 11th was G/MBH until 1am in the morning
and the L9 customer finally found me, lol.
x told x to go and rescue me and he really did ;
the whole incident was so funny.


Met up with MEL today apos;cause she wanted
to pass me a love letter, haahaha.
:D :D :D :D :D
Yay, I got a light stick to play with now

The <3 ones text me this morning to
inform me about my timetable
and the CDS which I got.
It is probably the first time I do not feel excited
about wanting to know what I have enrolled myself into
and people actually apos;stalkedapos; for my timetable.
It looks good though.
Finally, a 5-modules semester, haaha.
Nothing much to complain about,
I pretty much like the subjects and times.
Mondays and Weds I end at 6pm,
Tuesdays and Thursdays I end at 4pm
and Fridays I end at 1pm.
:D :D :D


The gastric pain is so torturing,
I hope I can survive tomorrow.

david meek torquay, david meeker, david meeker genzyme, david meeker williams.

american crafts council show in baltimore

Alright, Iapos;m leaving Canada behind for a while... Still love it, but I just gotta keep moving...

"in an era where everyone is putting more rock into music, these guys are putting more music into rock" - That qoute was written when the word Rock was used in a very broad sense, much broader than today, but Blood, Sweat, and Tears� is a great band. Their output is largely obscure. Itapos;s not rock, itapos;s not jazz, itapos;s not pop. Itapos;s just itapos;s own. And they had a Canadian singer at their peak - David Clayton Thomas.

And while Iapos;m at it, Iapos;m going to add a few more people to the list:

BST did a great cover of this original by Lady, who needs no introduction or explanation.
She is still so amazing.

american crafts council show in baltimore, american crafts council show baltimore, american crafts council show, american crafts council baltimore show.